ICT Lab Services
Historical industry fineness standards of >70% passing 200 mesh and <1% remaining on 50 mesh are often inadequate to compensate for Low NOx firing systems, aging boilers with higher levels of air in-leakage, and/or lower fuel or ash quality. ICT recommends fineness should be maintained at >75% passing 200 mesh and <0.3% remaining on 50 mesh. As a leader in providing combustion optimization consultation to the fossil fired power industry, Innovative Combustion Technologies is uniquely positioned to provide superior coal analysis services. ICT has the modern equipment and the professional expertise to provide you with the high quality fineness data, recommendations, and quick turnaround that you need.
Flyash LOI (loss on ignition) is among the most important parameters to be monitored when combusting coal. High LOI represents missed profit opportunity for power plants in the form of both a heat rate penalty and a lower quality flyash for sale to the concrete industry. ICT can assist your company with an accurate and timely LOI determination that is sure to help optimize boiler performance and therefore maximize power plant profitability.
Accurate knowledge of coal hardgrove is key to understanding pulverizer capacity and performance issues. To meet this need, ICT’s lab services include the industry standard HGI (Hardgrove Grindability Index) test at a competitive price with fast turnaround. |
