Environmental Testing Services
Innovative Combustion Technologies, Inc. (ICT) has been a service provider for the power industry since 1993. As an extension of our boiler (combustion side) technical and engineering services, ICT has committed resources to establish itself as an emissions testing company that can provide the power industry with testing services required for regulatory compliance, diagnostics, and engineering studies. Unlike other emissions testing companies, ICT does not see the equipment upstream of the stack as a "black box". We have detailed knowledge and exper tise troubleshooting and optimizing pulverizers, burners, combustion systems, boilers, fans, air heaters, and precipitators, which separates us from traditional stack testing companies. Our understanding of how different fuels, equipment condition, boiler operation, and boiler inputs influence boiler emissions data allows us to provide customers with more than just emissions data from the stack or duct; we can provide our customers with recommendations to improve overall unit performance.
In April 2014, ICT finalized its quality program and met the requirements of ASTM D7036 to become a certified Air Emissions Testing Body (AETB). This gives ICT the ability to provide regulatory testing services to Part 60 and Part 75 facilities. ICT's permanent staff includes Qualified Individuals (QI) and Qualified Stack Testing Individuals (QSTI) to lead emsissions testing programs.
We have made significant investments to increase our testing capabilities by adding some of the latest testing equipment technologies, including: an FTIR analyzer, multiple CEMS trailers, and equipment to perform almost all EPA test methods that apply to coal, gas, or biomass fired electric generating units. ICT can provide performance testing, RATAs, RAAs, CGAs, fuel conversion equipment acceptance testing, mercury and metal air emissions testing, SCR/AIG tuning, VOC testing for coal to gas conversions, MATS/MACT testing and pollution control equipment specification testing, and manufacturer guarantee and efficiency testing.
As more stringent emissions regulations are imposed on utility power plants with the new EPA MATS (Utility Boilers) and Boiler MACT, maintaining high operating efficiencies for all air quality control systems as well as boilers is of paramount importance. ICT's emissions testing division is working in these areas and is focused on providing these services to our clients. Coupling our environmental testing capabilities with our industry-leading knowledge of the boiler and combustion systems, ICT has the full understanding of the entire system necessary to give our clients a holistic solution to their operational challenges.
ICT has been offering boiler and combustion testing and optimization services to electric generating units for over two decades. As the environmental regulations of the industry are changing, ICT has adapted its testing capabilities and now offers services associated with environmental compliance that include:

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